Washington Christian Church17792 Ostrich Drive
Lebanon, Missouri 65536
Phone (417)588-1244
Ladies Group Meets
Our Ladies will be meeting on Saturday, February 8 at 9:00 a.m. in the church’s fellowship hall. There will be enjoying a lesson, refreshments, and great fellowship. All ladies are invited to attend!
Wedding Picture and Church Dinner Day
On Sunday, February 9, we are asking everyone to bring their wedding pictures (or the closest you have) to church with you so that we can display them. Then, following our morning service, we will enjoy a carry-in dinner. We encourage you to bring your favorite soup to share!
Sunday Evening Study
We are currently in a study on the book of Colossians each Sunday night. Join us as we unpack the various topics that that this book has us consider.
Submit Prayer Requests
There is a tab above labeled “Prayer” which will take you to a page where you may submit a prayer request(s) for our church to be praying about. Just fill in the needed info in the box on the right side of the page and click “Submit Request.”
Member Directory
There are handouts in the foyer for you to fill out in order to have your information added to our website. The “Member Directory” tab above will take you to a password protected area where you can find each member of our church listed along with some personal information. Get your handout turned in so that you can be added too!